
Elvis and Us

Developed in collaboration with Elvis Presley Enterprises Inc. and The Beatles Story, this exciting exhibition showcases some of the unique exhibits from Graceland in Memphis, the home of Elvis Presley, for the very first time in the UK.

Through a series of room sets, video installations, interactive exhibits and multi-media displays the exhibition charts the amazing similarities and crossovers between the careers of the Beatles and Elvis starting with their iconic 1963 meeting and their subsequent divergent and developing careers.

Elvis and us marks the latest in over 6 years of close and highly successful collaboration between the Beatles Story and Cubit3D during which we have developed numerous stand alone exhibitions as well as expanding the main exhibition site by over 50%. In addition Cubit3D have also designed the Pierhead satellite destination for The Beatles Story which includes a 4D theatre, travelling exhibition galleries, retail outlets and a further special exhibition area.


Architecture & Design Scotland


The Beatles Story